Monday, 10 November 2014



While still sipping from the refreshing and reassuring cup of God’s comfort over the death of a church member that passed away shortly after the delivery of a new born baby, another tragedy hits—world class!

Perhaps you have not heard, but Dr Myles Munroe, his wife, his daughter and 6 other people died in a plane crash just yesterday. Very sad.

The man, I must say, influenced my life in many ways, especially in radically transforming my relationship mentality by giving me a paradigm shift—by his message titled “The Myth of Singleness”.

The rather interesting thing is that he was supposed to be hosting a Global Leadership Forum starting today. (He was about landing in the city for the conference when the crash occurred). On his website, he uploaded a one-minute video advert which he recorded in his own voice, and the advert ended with these words: “...COME, I’LL SEE YOU THERE”.

Yes, the Leadership forum is still going to hold as I saw on his official facebook page minutes ago (because that’s what he would have wanted), BUT HE WON’T BE SEEN THERE.

I shared a picture nugget from a message I preached last Sunday in which I said “One of the most painful realities of God’s Sovereignty is that NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE PRAY, NOT EVERYONE WILL LIVE LONG!” How true!

But what do we do with death?

YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE AFRAID OF IT. Pray all you can against it and transfer your fears to the next generation by letting your children watch you grieve hopelessly about the departed ones (and I can bet you, as long as Jesus tarries, that prayer will not be answered one last time).

YOU CAN CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE REALITY. Live like there is no tomorrow.


How, you ask? I WROTE MY OWN OBITUARY...7 years ago! I came to a point where I MADE A DECISION!

·        I made a decision that assured me that death will not be my end, but the beginning of my very best!
·        I made a decision that assured me that heaven awaits!
·        I made a decision that gave me the confidence that the angels that had been given charge to keep me in all my ways will never fail—at best, they will carry me to the waiting embrace of my the appointed time.
·        I made a decision to make my death day, in fact, a birth date!
·        I made a decision that got me sealed...with the assurance that Jesus is coming back for me—and He has got the keys of death and hades.

Have you made that decision? Dr Myles did. His countless works will outlive him! 69 books, and countless contributions to other printed works will outlive him. He made his life count!

Make your life count. Embrace Jesus!

“It's IN CHRIST that you, once you HEARD the truth and BELIEVED it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves HOME FREE—SIGNED, SEALED, and DELIVERED by the Holy Spirit…the first installment on what's coming, a reminder that WE'LL GET EVERYTHING God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.” (Ephesians 1:13-14 MSG)

Adieu, Dr Myles Munroe.

With love, a protégé 

Monday, 3 November 2014

What You Might Have Been Missing...

These quotes are excerpts from yesterday's Message in Church titled "WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN MISSING".
It's a message that focused on rediscovering and living the pentecostal experience, focusing on the Great Advantages the Holy Spirit brings to the life of the believer and stir up a willingness to give expression to them...maximising the power IN us.
Feel free to share...

Have a blessed week!

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Deuteronomy 1:3,6-8,11,21,33

“And it came to pass in the fortieth year, IN THE ELEVENTH MONTH, ON THE FIRST [DAY] OF THE MONTH, [that] … The LORD our God spake … saying, YE HAVE DWELT LONG ENOUGH IN THIS MOUNT: … take your journey, and GO … TO THE LAND OF THE CANAANITES … Behold, I have set the land before you: GO IN AND POSSESS THE LAND … (The LORD God of your fathers make you A THOUSAND TIMES SO MANY MORE as ye [are], and BLESS YOU, as he hath promised you!) Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: GO UP [AND] POSSESS [IT] … FEAR NOT, neither be discouraged. (For GOD HAS GONE) … IN THE WAY BEFORE YOU, to search you out a place to pitch your tents [in], … to shew you by what way ye should go …

The message is clear, right?

You’ve dwelt long enough at this juncture. Embrace God’s fulfillment season by stepping into your promised land!

~Take the leap!
~Start the trade.
~Record the single.
~Publish the book.
~Join that assembly.
~Say yes to that brother.
~Attend Daystar’s 2014 ELC.

Do whatever it takes to step into your promised land. And while you are at it, embrace these two advantages:

1.      GO WITH GOD. When you carry His presence, the red sea will flee and even Jordan will be driven back (Psalm 114:3).
2.      DO NOT REJECT THE COMFORT OFFERED. Don’t be another stupid entity like that Pharaoh … His whole land had been covered with frogs—their cooking pots and beds were not spared—yet, when offered to fix the date of relief, he prefers to spend ONE MORE NIGHT with the frogs!

Don’t be dense. If there’s any such frogs that need be evacuated from your life, tonight is a good time. In fact, NOW is the best time. Sorry for sounding urgent, but why not deal with those frogs NOW, before you scroll on?

Don’t know how? I’ll help you. Let’s pray. You and me. I’ll show you the way; you fill in the blanks.

Precious Father, I praise your name. You have reclaimed so much in my life. I was lost, and you found me. I was confused, and you guided me. I had nothing to offer, but still you loved me.

I confess that I still need help. My life needs your touch. Satan has brought frogs to saturate a room in my heart with discomfort … and the morbidity is fast spreading. Don’t let him win. Make my heart come alive again! I’ll give you the glory.

Father, specifically, here are the frogs I need you to evacuate from my life TONIGHT __________________.

(And this is the place where I step out. I’ll leave you and God to talk over the details).

Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to walk through it.
Where there is tiredness or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience, and renewed strength.
Where there is fear, I wish you love and courage.

Welcome to your month of #Fulfillment.